+1 (binding)

* Xsums/sigs good
* Can build from source
* Log4j 2.15 is included (more on this in the below)
* log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true is set (multiple times per process, but properly set)
* hbase-config.sh issue is fixed over rc1

Best as I've been able to keep up, it seems like we should already upgrade to log4j 2.16 due to issues in 2.15. There are alos rumblings that 2.16 may have issues still. It's my opinion that the changes we have here in rc2 are a massive improvement over before. I think this is fine; I just wanted to acknowledge that we may still need to update again real soon.

Thanks for your release manager work, Duo!

On 12/14/21 9:06 AM, Duo Zhang wrote:
Please vote on this Apache hbase release candidate,

The VOTE will remain open for at least 72 hours.

[ ] +1 Release this package as Apache hbase 3.0.0-alpha-2
[ ] -1 Do not release this package because ...

The tag to be voted on is 3.0.0-alpha-2RC1:


This tag currently points to git reference


The release files, including signatures, digests, as well as CHANGES.md
and RELEASENOTES.md included in this RC can be found at:


Maven artifacts are available in a staging repository at:


Artifacts were signed with the 9AD2AE49 key which can be found in:


3.0.0-alpha-2 is the second alpha release for our 3.0.0 major release line.
HBase 3.0.0 includes the following big feature/changes:
   Synchronous Replication
   OpenTelemetry Tracing
   Distributed MOB Compaction
   Backup and Restore
   Move RSGroup balancer to core
   Reimplement sync client on async client
   CPEPs on shaded proto
   Move the logging framework from log4j to log4j2

3.0.0-alpha-2 contains a critical security fix for addressing the log4j2
CVE-2021-44228. All users who already use 3.0.0-alpha-1 should upgrade
to 3.0.0-alpha-2 ASAP.

Notice that this is not a production ready release. It is used to let our
users try and test the new major release, to get feedback before the final
GA release is out.
So please do NOT use it in production. Just try it and report back
everything you find unusual.

And this time we will not include CHANGES.md and RELEASENOTE.md
in our source code, you can find it on the download site. For getting these
two files for old releases, please go to


To learn more about Apache hbase, please see


Your HBase Release Manager

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