Heya team,

Over here at $dayjob, we have an increasing reliance on Kubernetes for
both development and production workloads. Our tools are maturing and
we're hoping that they might be of interest to the wider community.
I'd like to see if there's community interest in receiving some/any of
them as a contribution. I think we'll also need a plan from ASF Infra
that makes kubernetes available to us as a project.

We have implemented a basic stack of tools for orchestrating ZK + HDFS
+ HBase on Kubernetes. We use this for running a small local dev
cluster via MiniKube/KIND ; for ITBLL on smallish distributed clusters
in a public cloud ; and in production for running clusters of ~100
Data Nodes/Region Servers in a public cloud. There was an earlier
discussion about using our donation of test hardware for running more
thorough tests in our CI, but one of the limiting factors is full
cluster deployment. I hope that the community might be interested in
receiving this tooling as a foundation for more rigorous correctness
and maybe even performance tests in the open. Furthermore, perhaps the
wider community has interest in an Apache licensed cluster
orchestration tool for other uses.

Now for some details: The implementation is built on Kustomize, so
it's fundamentally transparent resource specification with yaml
patches for composability; this is in contrast to a solution using
templates with defined capabilities and interfaces. There is no
operator ; it's all coordinated via init/bootstrap containers, shell
scripts, shared volumes for state, &c. For now.

Such a donation will amount to a code drop, which will have its
challenges. I'm motivated via internal processes to carve it into
smaller pieces, and I think that will benefit community review as
well. Perhaps this approach could be used to make the contribution via
a feature branch.

Is there community interest in adding such a capability to our
maintained responsibilities? I'd hope that we have several volunteers
to work with me through the contribution process, and who are
reasonably confident that they'll be able to help maintain such a
capability going forward. We'll also need someone who can work with
Infra to get us access to Kubernetes cluster(s), via whatever means.

What do you think?

Nick & the HBase team at Apple

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