Heya team,

I have created individual pull-requests for each of the major functional
pieces outlined in the initial branch. These await review.

I've now started working integrating the test harness into the maven build.
After a brief detour for a Yetus plugin, I'm now looking instead at maven
integration via exec-maven-plugin. I'm also investigating how to pull the
container image build up into maven as well.


On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 2:42 PM Nick Dimiduk <ndimi...@apache.org> wrote:

> Heya team,
> I've created a feature ticket [0] from which this contribution can hang.
> I've created an associated release version [1] and feature branch [2]
> against which we can target PRs while things take shape. I've published my
> initial extraction of this feature as a whole for your review [3] -- take a
> look at the big picture there. For each commit on that branch, I've created
> a sub-task on HBASE-27827. Probably reviewers will find other items we need
> to peel off as sub-tasks. I'll start turning each of these commits into PRs
> suitable for the Apache repo and your perusal.
> I think we're getting due for the 1.3 release of Operator Tools, so I
> expect this will land in 1.4.
> Thanks,
> Nick
> [0]: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HBASE-27827
> [1]: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HBASE/fixforversion/12353199
> [2]:
> https://github.com/apache/hbase-operator-tools/tree/HBASE-27827-kubernetes-deployment
> [3]:
> https://github.com/apache/hbase-operator-tools/compare/HBASE-27827-kubernetes-deployment...ndimiduk:hbase-operator-tools:HBASE-27827-kubernetes-deployment
> On Mon, Mar 13, 2023 at 11:28 AM Nick Dimiduk <ndimi...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Heya team,
>> Over here at $dayjob, we have an increasing reliance on Kubernetes for
>> both development and production workloads. Our tools are maturing and
>> we're hoping that they might be of interest to the wider community.
>> I'd like to see if there's community interest in receiving some/any of
>> them as a contribution. I think we'll also need a plan from ASF Infra
>> that makes kubernetes available to us as a project.
>> We have implemented a basic stack of tools for orchestrating ZK + HDFS
>> + HBase on Kubernetes. We use this for running a small local dev
>> cluster via MiniKube/KIND ; for ITBLL on smallish distributed clusters
>> in a public cloud ; and in production for running clusters of ~100
>> Data Nodes/Region Servers in a public cloud. There was an earlier
>> discussion about using our donation of test hardware for running more
>> thorough tests in our CI, but one of the limiting factors is full
>> cluster deployment. I hope that the community might be interested in
>> receiving this tooling as a foundation for more rigorous correctness
>> and maybe even performance tests in the open. Furthermore, perhaps the
>> wider community has interest in an Apache licensed cluster
>> orchestration tool for other uses.
>> Now for some details: The implementation is built on Kustomize, so
>> it's fundamentally transparent resource specification with yaml
>> patches for composability; this is in contrast to a solution using
>> templates with defined capabilities and interfaces. There is no
>> operator ; it's all coordinated via init/bootstrap containers, shell
>> scripts, shared volumes for state, &c. For now.
>> Such a donation will amount to a code drop, which will have its
>> challenges. I'm motivated via internal processes to carve it into
>> smaller pieces, and I think that will benefit community review as
>> well. Perhaps this approach could be used to make the contribution via
>> a feature branch.
>> Is there community interest in adding such a capability to our
>> maintained responsibilities? I'd hope that we have several volunteers
>> to work with me through the contribution process, and who are
>> reasonably confident that they'll be able to help maintain such a
>> capability going forward. We'll also need someone who can work with
>> Infra to get us access to Kubernetes cluster(s), via whatever means.
>> What do you think?
>> Thanks,
>> Nick & the HBase team at Apple

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