On Tue, 2023-05-02 at 17:16 +0000, Gary D. Gregory wrote:
> On 2023/05/01 21:19:35 Michael Osipov wrote:
> > Am 2023-05-01 um 22:46 schrieb Gary Gregory:
> > > Well, that puts a nail in that coffin. Thank you for the details.
> > 
> > BUT, you have to look into Apache James which has a decent MIME
> > parser 
> > which we are using at work. I would say that it is enough to have
> > one 
> > decent lib in ASF land than multiple mediocre ones.
> You're talking about Apache Mime4J [1] right?
> TY,
> Gary
> [1] https://james.apache.org/download.cgi#Apache_Mime4J

Many, many years ago (approximately around the year 2006) the
possibility of building a full-fledged MIME support including a parser
and a message builder for HttpClient was discussed and a decision was
made to not pursue this development within HC but to collaborate with
JAMES instead

This is the earliest reference to that particular discussion I was able
to find in the archives. 


As a result I have contributed substantial chunks of our code to
mime4j. One can still see a lot of similarities between Mime4j and
HttpCore, by the way.

Unfortunately all these years JAMES developers were not willing to
freeze the APIs and release 1.0 version, so around HttpClient 4.0
release we had to drop the optional dependency on mime4j and replace it
with much simpler MIME code, still hoping that one day we might be able
to deprecate it in favor of mime4j.

I can only suggest that FileUpload in Commons be re-designed as a
facade to mime4j but it is just a mere suggestion.



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