The issues list should be getting all JIRA notifications except CREATE, you shouldn't need to watch it. You can go look at the mail archives to see if the issue is with the list or on your end. If they aren't all showing up in the list we should file an INFRA JIRA.


Lefty Leverenz <>
February 26, 2015 at 14:03
Being a watcher could explain why I got the last two messages for HIVE-9731
<> (TODOC1.2, doc comment)
but then why did I get all the messages before the commit, when I wasn't a
watcher yet? And I'm not a watcher for HIVE-9509
<> although I got all the
messages up to Ashutosh's +1.

This is something I can work around, but if others have the same problem we
might need to figure it out and get it fixed.

-- Lefty

Xuefu Zhang <>
February 26, 2015 at 13:12
I think you get subsequent messages only if you're a watcher. You become a
watcher after you comment or make changes for a JIRA. Is this your case?

On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 1:05 PM, Lefty Leverenz <>

Lefty Leverenz <>
February 26, 2015 at 13:05
Is it just me, or has JIRA email been flaky since the issues mailing list
went into effect?

For example, although I got a commit message for HIVE-9731
<> on the commits@hive
mailing list, I didn't get either the change of Resolution or the comment
about the commit -- not on dev@hive nor on issues@hive. However I did get
two subsequent messages on issues@hive when I added a TODOC1.2 label and
doc comment.

Another example: for HIVE-9509
<> I got the commit comment
and Fix Version change for branch-1.0.1 on the issues@hive list but not the
prior commit comment and Resolved - Fix Version for 1.2.0.

Does anyone else have this problem?

-- Lefty

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