On Sat, 25 Aug 2001, Ryan Bloom wrote:

> This will break things.  We will no longer be keeping track of the listener, which
> is a bad thing.  I will fix this later this weekend, but the worker MPM is broken
> now.

its working for me.  was broken before, with this config:

<IfModule worker.c>
    StartServers         1
    MaxClients           1
    MinSpareThreads      1
    MaxSpareThreads      1
    ThreadsPerChild      1
    MaxRequestsPerChild  0

httpd cannot serve any requests.
i don't know the code at all but ap_threads_per_child is compared to
threads_created, which is only incremented for request threads.
threads_created is not incremented when the listener threads is created.
so i don't see how the listener thread was ever "kept track of".

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