On Sun, Sep 02, 2001 at 10:17:46PM -0500, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
> Thank you, first off, for catching my foobar.
> But -1 on the solution.  This is contrary to the syntax of AddSomething.
> AddSomething in mod_mime (and SetSomething in core) always _replaces_ the
> prior declaration!!!

If I setup mod_bar's filter on a per-server level for a mime-type and 
then I also want the same mime-type in a directory to be handled by 
mod_foo's filter as well, I want *both* filters to be executed.  How 
do you propose to handle that?  

The easiest way I see to configure this is:

AddOutputFilter BAR html
<Directory /baz>
AddOutputFilter FOO html

Maybe I'm missing something here.  -- justin

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