On Tuesday 04 September 2001 09:16, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 04, 2001 at 06:40:03AM -0700, Ryan Bloom wrote:
> > Didn't we decide a LONG time ago not to do this unless it was absolutely
> > necessary?  Format changes just add cruft to the CVS logs.  I have
> > noticed a lot of changes to the format in this patch that were more
> > opinion than code style.  For example, the ap_pass_brigade declaration. 
> > We had three characters wrapping to the next line, but this patch split
> > it into two lines.  That was unnecessary.
> Well, I use terminals with 80 column width.  Therefore, long lines are
> a PITA for me.  I will *not* work with source files that do not fit
> our standard.  I'm an asshole in this respect.
> I feel that code in our repository should meet our code standard:
> http://dev.apache.org/styleguide.html
> If *anyone* wants to submit patches to bring a file into compliance with
> our published style guide, I *will* commit it.
> Ryan, you may veto this commit.  However, if you wish to repeal or
> modify our style guide, I suggest you call a vote.  -- justin

That is complete BS.  We have a long standing tradition of NOT making
commits just to follow the code style.  There is no need for a vote, because
this has been discussed to death and formatting only commits have been
vetoed in the past in every thread that they come up in.  Review the archives
for Roy and Dean's opinions of formatting changes.  They are completely
bogus, and just serve to make CVS hard to use.

I won't veto the commit, because backing it out just serves to muck up
CVS even worse.  Please do not commit any more of them.  The group
decided a LONG time ago that they were completely bogus, and you are
going against a long-standing decision by the group to NOT make commits
like this.

Ryan Bloom                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Covalent Technologies                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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