From: "Joshua Slive" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2001 10:48 AM

> >   +    * Allow the DocumentRoot directive within <Location > scopes?  This
> >   +      allows the beloved (crusty) Alias /foo/ /somepath/foo/ followed
> >   +      by a <Directory /somepath/foo> to become simply
> >   +      <Location /foo/> DocumentRoot /somefile/foo (IMHO a bit more legible
> >   +      and in-your-face.)  This proposed change would not depricate Alias.
> I don't like that.  (Sorry to be a constant nay-sayer on config changes ;-)
> 1. It overloads DocumentRoot.  "Root" should mean "/".

I can appreciate that concern.  Even LocationMount /path/ might make more sense.
I'm wide open to suggestions here.

> 2. It encourages people to use <Location> where they should be using <Directory>.
> (Imagine if you protected this <Location> block with basic auth, but forgot
> that another URL can access the same directory.)

Wouldn't matter.  The beauty is that the <Location > protection is applied again.
In some Location's - relative to a virtual host, I allow DAV access to a branch
of the filename space.  In others, I don't allow DAV, but I allow the usual GET/POST.

This really doesn't introduce anything that Alias allows (except, perhaps, the
DocumentRoot|LocationMount|MapToFilePath none.)  I simply believe it's more legible
than the Alias directive.  BTW - Alias would continue to preempt this directive, just
as it preempts DocumentRoot today.

> If you wanted to add a "URLMapTo" directive that does something similar, I
> would be less opposed.  But I still would not be in favour.

MapToFilePath perhaps?  Note; MapToFilePath none -is- valid, e.g., this would help
users (and Mr. Stoddard's earlier concerns);

<Location /server-status>
    MapToFilePath none
    SetHandler server-status
    Order Deny,Allow
    Deny from all
    Allow from localhost @@Domain@@

This way mod_status wouldn't need to be 'updated' for the map_to_storage hook
(although it could, and probably would be.)  This will help older modules take
advantage of the optimization without a rewrite.

Further comments (or better naming suggestions) anyone?


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