On Saturday 10 November 2001 12:58 pm, Bill Stoddard wrote:
> Sorry, my last message wasn't a very useful...
> ap_lingering_close() should be conditionally called based on a feature
> macro. Something like: HAVE_REUSE_ACCEPT_SOCKET.  If the OS supports
> reusing the accept socket, conditionally issue ap_lingering_close() if the
> socket has not been disconnected.
> I'll fix this when we get the filter architecture straigtened out.
> BTW, I have started writing a network_out_filter (spilitting function out
> of core_output_filter). Have limited time to work on it but should have
> something ready to post early next week.

This functionality is VERY MPM dependant, and I can't see a good way to
export the information from the MPM.  So, I am allowing the MPM to kill
the cleanup.

BTW, I have the full patch about half done right now.  This will be the patch
that will allow you to easily abstract out the underlying network.  I am 
continuing to move network functions into a few functions.  I am not tending
to use filters, because the filters have been in the wrong locations.

Ryan Bloom                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Covalent Technologies                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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