On Monday 12 November 2001 09:48 pm, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 12, 2001 at 11:49:08PM -0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > rbb         01/11/12 15:49:08
> >   Log:
> >   Begin to abstract out the underlying transport layer.
> >   The first step is to remove the socket from the conn_rec,
> >   the server now lives in a context that is passed to the
> >   core's input and output filters. This forces us to be very
> >   careful when adding calls that use the socket directly,
> >   because the socket isn't available in most locations.
> modules/proxy/proxy_connect.c does raw socket writes (see line
> 308).  I think the idea here is that mod_proxy wants to bypass
> everyone.  Not the greatest of ideas (quite bogus actually) -
> perhaps we can setup a minimal filter output stack.
> Thoughts?  I haven't had time to digest or even look at your
> patch yet, so I'm not really sure what you did.  -- justin

The proxy is bogus currently.  However, the part you are talking about
is the client side of the proxy, not the server.  When Apache is acting as
a client, it can use network primitives directly.  The important part of this
patch, is that it is possible to accept requests from transport layers that 
aren't sockets.

Ryan Bloom                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Covalent Technologies                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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