> From: "Justin Erenkrantz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 4:56 PM
> > On Wed, Jan 02, 2002 at 04:46:01PM -0600, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
> > > Broke more than proxy, without a rebuild all.  Time for an MMN bump, it seems :)
> >
> > I was wondering about that.  =)  What are the rules for a MMN bump?
> You break it, you bump it :)
> Seriously, whenever;
>   1. function declaration or return types change [broken binary compatibility.]
>   2. external structure members change [broken binary compatibility.]
> So when you changed the structs - you needed an MMN bump.

If you add an API or (more controversial) add a new field to the -end- of an existing
structure, you bump the MODULE_MAGIC_NUMBER_MINOR.

If you change an existing API, add a new field to a structure somewhere other then the
end, or modify an existing structure member, you bump the MODULE_MAGIC_NUMBER_MAJOR.

Modules compiled against earlier releases of Apache are binary compatabile with all
subsequent release of Apache IFF the MMN_MAJOR does not change. Bumping MMN_MAJOR 
binary compatability with all modules compiled against earlier releases of Apache.
> BTW --- 1.3.23 question here; The API_EXPORT -> API_EXPORT_NONSTD changes in
> theory require an MMN bump on Win32.  Which really sucks, because I don't want
> to break everyone else.  Anyone given any thought as to how we can avoid an MMN
> bump, when all that's happened is a specific platform has been broken [linkage,
> etc?]  It almost makes me think we _aught_ to drop the .def file for win32,
> creating decorated symbol names that now-broken modules will refuse to link
> against, sparing all other platforms a version bump.

I -think- we can ditch the .def file. I'm a bit concerned that we might break something
unexpected...  Also need to bump the MMN_MAJOR. Doing anything else is a kludge that 
introduce more problems than it solves.


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