On Tue, Feb 05, 2002 at 11:24:07PM -0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> wrowe       02/02/05 15:24:07
>   Modified:    .        STATUS
>   Log:
>     While the tide was turning twords my take... this number of bugs in the
>     Winnt mpm mean I can't go against Unix getting a good beta.  Now the
>     Q, is unix a good beta :-?

I think there are enough issues that it might be worth it to follow
up with a 2.0.32 in the next few days or so.  However, if we don't
want to do that, we can release with a release notes a mile long.
(And, I'll change my vote back to +1.)  Or a super patchset?  

I think we've fixed *most* of the issues we've seen already.  Or,
at least the ones of true showstopper variety...  My biggest
question is how stable is HEAD?  It should contain all of the
relevant fixes for problems seen so far in .31, but it has lots of
other untested (at least by me) code.

BTW, how long do you think it will take to get Win32 stable? -- justin

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