> Hi,
> Just checking if people have given this some thought before.
> And, maybe if there was something decided on this matter.  For
> instance, that this is free when it comes to style rules.
> As some of you have noticed I am doing style reviews of/
> corrections on the current httpd codebase, which has the nice
> sideeffect of getting us some basic code review aswell.  With
> everything in a consistent style, review by other parties will
> be easier aswell.  Not to mention that one can probably read
> the code quicker...
> So, just a few simple questions:
> 1) Can we decide on a standard style when it comes to using
>    ++ or --?
>    Example:
>    lines++;
>    vs.
>    ++lines;
>    We are currently mixing this in the current code base.
>    I personally favor the first.  And unless we are testing
>    the variable in an expression, pre- or postfix doesn't
>    matter for the resulting binary, only for readability.

I would vote for both :-) Either are equally readable IMHO (I tend to use the first,

> 2) How should a do {} while look like?
>    do {
>        ...
>    } while (...);
>    or
>    do {
>        ...
>    }
>    while (...);

The first style is more compact and not less readable than the second, IMO.

> 3) What is the preferred method of doing an infinite loop?
>    while (1) {
>        ...
>    }
>    or
>    for (;;) {
>        ...
>    }
I like using the while(1) style. No justification ...

> Thanks,
> Sander

I would prefer to keep the style guidelines as small as possible. I would be in favor 
adding 2) to the existing guidelines and leaving 1) and 2) personal choice.


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