Sander Striker wrote:

> >>> 1) Can we decide on a standard style when it comes to using
> >>>    ++ or --?
> >>>
> >>>    Example:
> >>>
> >>>    lines++;
> >>>
> >>>    vs.
> >>>
> >>>    ++lines;
> >>
> >> I prefer the latter. The first thing your eye sees is the increment, then
> >> the variable. The *operation* is first, which is the most important.
> >
> > I'm very bad in styling, but I absolutely agree.
> Consider:
>  lines += 1;
> Which is the same as:
>  lines++;
> Personally I am slowed down when I see this:
>  ++lines;
> Because I am used to seeing the op _after_ the variable.

"lines++" is NOT the replacement of "lines += 1", but of "(lines+=1)-1"

Only "++lines" is the replacement of "lines += 1".

For example, if you have to increment "lines" and after that insert 2
times of it into result, and you MUST do it in one instruction, then
"result = 2 * (lines += 1)" can't be replaced by "result = 2 * lines++"
but only by "result = 2 * ++lines". It's not styling; It's a totally
different thing.

What you are USED to see, is your own taste, but in this case, even the
meaning is different.

But again, the whole issue is minor...

Eli Marmor
CTO, Founder
Netmask (El-Mar) Internet Technologies Ltd.
Tel.:   +972-9-766-1020          8 Yad-Harutzim St.
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