Doug MacEachern wrote:

>just looked a bit more, the problem is related to heap buckets and the 
>free functions.  something is broken for sure.  i could probably bandaid, 
>but cliff if you take a look, i'm assuming the right fix would be obvious 
>to you.
>#1  0x4001cf76 in heap_destroy (data=0x824f758)
>    at 
>74              (*h->free_func)(h->base);
>(gdb) p f->free_func
>No symbol "f" in current context.
>(gdb) p h->free_func
>$1 = (void (*)()) 0

The free_func definitely should be non-null here.  It should point to
either free() or apr_bucket_free().

Does the rest of *h look valid?  (That could help us differentiate memory
corruption from some code path that just forgot to set h->free_func.)


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