Justin Erenkrantz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Wed, May 15, 2002 at 02:17:55PM -0400, Jeff Trawick wrote:
> > If httpd is to be left as-is on Unix (i.e., maybe it works maybe it
> > doesn't), then perhaps apachectl needs to be pushed as the way to
> > access all httpd functionality.
> One thing that I seem to recall is that we've talked about taking
> the apachectl functionality and moving it into httpd (the C
> program that is - not renaming apachectl as httpd).  So, you can do:
> httpd -k start
> httpd -k stop
> httpd -k graceful
> (ISTR that -k was the option in Win32 and for various reasons, we
> wanted to use that to indicate the command to run.)
> Is there any reason that httpd couldn't read/parse/source envvars
> file itself?  That sort of sucks, but perhaps that's a way to
> get around this?  -- justin

It can, and that would fix certain things, like the OS/390 and AIX
example of needing to tune the memory use to allow lots of threads.
(Though I wonder how it would find the right copy of envvars in a
binbuild situation.)

Unfortunately, it wouldn't fix the inability of a binbuild httpd from
finding its libraries.  A wrapper script seems to cover both types of

Jeff Trawick | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Born in Roswell... married an alien...

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