> -0.9.  Whoever said we were deprecating them?  I thought the plan was that
> apachectl would continue to accept 'start|stop|restart' and would pass
> them as 'httpd -k $ARGV' to Apache.  That is what apachectl does
> currently.  Yes, you *could* say apachectl -k start with the new code and
> it would work (I see no problem with that), but where in there are we
> deprecating the old way?  It sounds like just a convenience that -k works,
> not that it's the new preferred method.  Getting rid of 'apachectl start'
> and friends seems pointless to me, and it will irritate countless admins
> to change it after so many years for no reason.

    It would also defeat the current use of apachectl in the init

    # ln -s `which apachectl` /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S30apache

    - Sascha

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