On Tue, 28 May 2002, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

> FWIW, I think this simplification should be in .37.  But, that's
> Cliff's call.

I agree, it will.  I haven't changed any tags so far; I'm waiting for a
bit bigger batch, and then I'll tag with JCW_PRE2_2037, then
JCW_PRE3_2037, and so on.  Once we get the final tag, I'll go back and
remove all the intermediate tags, but I figure they could be useful in the

> And, we're most definitely still on .37-dev now, so we shouldn't
> have a CHANGES saying .38 yet.  Whenever Cliff figures out what
> should go into .37, he can sort out the CHANGES file.  -- justin

It doesn't much matter either way.  The version number still says .37-dev,
so I guess they should go under .37 in CHANGES.  No big thing.  <shrug>


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