On Fri, Jun 07, 2002 at 12:59:03AM -0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> jerenkrantz    2002/06/06 17:59:03
>   Modified:    .        STATUS
>   Log:
>   Clarify note on ap_discard_request_body().  If we want to change it,
>   we should do it before .37 - hence its remaining as a showstopper.

Why "should" we do it before .37? I see no possible explanation for it being
a showstopper to a .37 release.

Releases can't be perfect. Stop holding up the damned thing. Get something
into people's hands. It is more of a disservice to users to keep them back
on .36 than to give them a .37 today.

If you're about to say, "but if we deferred it, it would change the API in
.38" So? Like we aren't ever going to change the API? And even so, we don't
*have* to remove the function from the API. We can simply delete the
contents of the function. Let users keep calling it from their code. It just
won't happen to do anything.

Are you suggesting that potentially flaky behavior on edge cases make this a
showstopper? That definitely isn't a showstopper.

About the only possible reason for a showstopper is that it could be used as
a Denial of Service, by some kind of bug in there making the server crash.
But I've already stated before that (as a DoS), that is a poor attack. A
much more successful attack is to simply open a ton of connections, up to
Apache's limit. Nobody else can get in, until Apache times out the
connections. Heck, the attacker could also trickle in a byte at a time to
make it seem like a request is arriving, and resetting the timeout clock.

So... why a showstopper? Why hold up .37? Let's hear it.


p.s. sometimes, it almost makes me feel like getting off my ass and snapping
     a .37 and releasing it just to show that we *can* make releases a hella
     lot easier and more frequently. but since I'm not, and the people who
     *are* making releases choose to use a convoluted process that takes two
     or more weeks to simply snap a tarball... well. who am I to say?

p.p.s. "wah wah. we're GA. we can't just release any old tarball." bullshit.
       release it and call it an alpha for upcoming fixes and functionality
       to the GA release. "people experiencing specific problems with the
       .36 release may choose to use this one, but the HTTPD group has
       chosen not to certify it as a GA release (yet)."

Greg Stein, http://www.lyra.org/

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