On Fri, Jun 21, 2002 at 10:26:46AM -0400, Joshua Slive wrote:
> Günter Knauf wrote:
> >the patch doesnt enable the modules, just only it's easier to enable them 
> >with only removing one # at the load command...; also I'm more thinking of 
> >disabling the modules after I have already used them; and if I then comment 
> >the load command I must also comment six config lines per module because 
> >the config isnt blocked with IfModule...
> Ahhh, but you forget that not everyone uses DSO modules.  Many people 
> compile the modules into the server, and for them the module is active 
> regardless of the LoadModule line.

Right. It would be nice if we had one way to load a module, and another
way to enable it. This is the same debate as using <IfModule mod_ssl.c>
vs. <IfDefine SSL>.

+1 for removing the mod-status and mod-info sections from the default
config entirely. In an ideal world there would be no default config,
since the server defaults would allow simple serving of static pages.
Config parameters could then be added to extend or override the defaults,
and there would be one way to configure the server (and not two as we
have it now).


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