Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
> That's just crap.  I can say the same thing.  PHP is threadsafe, it's not
> my responsibility that libxyz is not.  Any Apache 2.0 module running under
> a threaded mpm linked against libxyz that contains non-threadsafe code is
> going to have exactly the same problem unless the module sticks in
> mutexes.

how are we .. the apache group know what libraries you link to ?

the only thing I can suggest technically is that we add a field
in the module definition which says if the module is thread_safe.
it would be up to the module developer to determine this, either based
on the libraries he has linked in, or what color the trees are.
if the module developer isn't certain about the thread safety of linked 
libraries he should set it to off.

php could be really smart about this, and do this for it's own 
extensions.. and use the result of querying it's own extension for their 
thread safety.
as the php extension developers certify their extensions php will be 
either thread safe or not.

we as the apache group could then query the module when we load it (like 
we do to the magic number) and refuse to load a non-thread safe module
into a threaded mpm.

does this sound ok to you?

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