The Apache 2 modules in the httpd-ldap sub-project (which should be moved into 'experimental' in my opinion and have standard MSVC++ projects created, etc -- though I have no vote) crash on Windows 2000 in Apache 2.0.40.  [Yes, I'll file a bug as appropriate.]

The issue is use of uninitialized memory in util_ldap_cache_init() [in util_ldap_cache.c].  This routine declares a variable on stack, 'rmm_lock', and passes it to apr_rmm_init() without initializing it.  apr_rmm_init() expects this argument to be initialized and causes a later crash on Windows as a result of finding random gargly-gook in this structure and interpretting it in such a way that does not match the reality of the situation.

My patch (sorry I'm new at this and don't know how to generate proper patches :-(  ) is to no longer declare this variable and pass NULL to apr_rmm_init() in its place -- as apr_rmm_init() can take a NULL for this argument.  This seems to work fine on Windows and Solaris -- though I can't get this module to load on AIX (no, I've not yet tried the original code....)

The line are (in patch pseudo-syntax):

Lines 293-297:
  apr_status_t util_ldap_cache_init(apr_pool_t *pool, apr_size_t reqsize)
-     apr_anylock_t rmm_lock;

and lines 305-308:
      /* This will create a rmm "handler" to get into the shared memory area */
  -    apr_rmm_init(&util_ldap_rmm, &rmm_lock,
  +    apr_rmm_init(&util_ldap_rmm, NULL,
              (void *)apr_shm_baseaddr_get(util_ldap_shm), reqsize, pool);
The only alternative that I see is to add a call to initialize 'rmm_lock', but from my brief scan it would appear that passing null is a more efficient way of accomplishing the same thing.

Any comments?

Jess Holle

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