On Fri, Aug 30, 2002 at 02:35:59PM -0700, Ian Holsman wrote:
> branch your code, make it work, merge it back.
> rinse repeat.
> what could be simpler than this ?
> as long as your merge is done quickly (1-2 weeks) and is well-defined
> you should be good to go.

Um, in this case, the code works.  We just need to merge it in.
The point is that the new code would break things that people
may expect to work.

The biggest problem is going to be with the authn/authz split
requiring new directives for authoritative access.  Previously,
AuthDBMAuthoritative would make dbms authoritative for both authn
and authz - since that is split into *two* modules (and one
directive can't be parsed for multiple modules it seems), then
we're stuck.  My rewrite requires switching to AuthnDBMAuthortiative
and AuthzDBMAuthoritative, respectively.  -- justin

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