If you are talking about the memory leak when downloading large files
through a proxy chain, this problem was first observed in version
2.0.39, so it probably isn't the same problem.


Bill Stoddard wrote:
> I just got a bug report that that the rewrite of ap_get_client_block() has
> introduced a memory leak.  Problem is observed when putting a large file to
> the server via webdav. Replacing the 2.0.40 implementation with the 2.0.39
> implementation (on a 2.0.40 code base) eliminates the problem. I do not have
> time to investigate this now. I can take a look tomorrow or perhaps this
> evening if no one wants to pick it up.
> http://cvs.apache.org/viewcvs.cgi/httpd-2.0/modules/http/http_protocol.c.dif
> f?r1=1.436&r2=1.437
> Bill

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