On a side note...

I think there should be a SetNote command so admins can tweak module settings through 
(instead of SetEnv like below)...

Using SetEnv exposes the result to cgi applications...which is not always a good thing.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Henri Gomez [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 10:49 AM
> Subject:      [PATCH] mod_deflate extensions
> Some questions about mod_deflate :
> 1) Why this module is not enabled by default built ?
>       compression should be on to meet HTTP recommandations ?
> 2) What about a more advanced system ?
>       Currently :
> SetEnv gzip-only-text/html 1
> -> make mod_deflate compress only text/html.
>       Extension :
> SetEnv gzip-mime-xxxx/yyyy allow
> -> make mod_deflate compress content matching xxxx/yyyy.
> SetEnv gzip-mime-xxxx/yyyy  deny
> -> make mod_deflate don't compress content matching xxxx/yyyy.
> SetEnv gzip-file-jsp allow
> -> make mod_deflate compress content caming from jsp
> SetEnv gzip-file-js deny
> -> make mod_deflate don't compress content caming for javascript
> <Directory "/your-server-root/manual">
> SetEnv gzip-mime-text/html allow
> SetEnv gzip-mime-text/xml allow
> SetEnv gzip-mime-text/plain allow
> SetEnv gzip-mime-default deny
> SetEnv gzip-file-jsp allow
> SetEnv gzip-file-js deny
> SetEnv gzip-file-default deny
> SetOutputFilter DEFLATE
> </Directory>
> Attached is a patch ...
> Thanks for your feedback
>  << File: mod_deflate.c.diff >> 

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