Why not just strip them once on install, instead of every time they are downloaded? You could hook something into ftp or whatever the Dreamweaver kids are using for upload, or a cron to come and sweep stuff, keeping track of what's processed using a timestamp file.

Pier Fumagalli wrote:

Ok, I was kindly asked by my management to write a new module for Apache
2.0, since as of _TODAY_ we're using it in production for non-static content
as well (whohooooo!)...

Before I move all my apps over on the new Apache 2.0 server, I need to be
able to strip whitespace from HTML (ok, my designers like using DreamWeaver,
not my fault), so since I can use filters, well... :-)

First question would be... Seems pretty odd that noone thought about it
before (???), so, is there a module doing that already?

If not, am I right in looking at what mod_bucketeer does for a start?

Cheeridos! :-)


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