Graham Leggett wrote:

Greg Stein wrote:

Some questions for thought: if we start banging out versions right and left,
then will people actually upgrade? Are we doomed to live with 1.3 forever?
Or do we have to stick with today's architecture to support binary
compatibility for N years?

I think OS distributions will play a large role in this. When the Solaris / Redhat / Suse / IBM / Whoever people start shipping v2.0 with their OS'es (which has already started happening in the case of redhat) adoption will be quite quick.

In addition, apache v2.0 comes with SSL + LDAP built in, where v1.3 did not - this will probably give people more reason to use it.
Built in only to a point. The standard distribution does not contain either of these. What's more, you have to rebuild the core (or APR at least) and link these in to have either of these.

Sorry, but this hits a nerve -- with Apache 1.3 we had 2 major sets of potentially incompatible binaries - EAPI and non-EAPI. With Apache 2.0 we have 2 x 2 (=4), i.e. SSL and non-SSL enabled and LDAP and non-LDAP enabled and permutations thereof.

Is there any way we can stop linking LDAP and SSL into the core to use them, e.g. have mod_ssl be the only thing linking to OpenSSL and mod_ldap and/or mod_auth_ldap be the only modules linking to LDAP, i.e. so we can have one big mess of interchangeable binaries -- at least for a given MPM worker... [I have to believe this will settle down to worker for UNIX and the Windows worker for Windows for the 90+% case for a while anyway.]

Jess Holle

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