On Wed, 5 Feb 2003, Sascha Schumann wrote:
>     Now, we could solve both problems by using a handler and
>     the prefork MPM.  But then, Apache 2.0+PHP is basically
>     Apache 1.3+PHP with a few extra modules thrown in.  That's
>     how it appears to the end-user at least.

I don't buy that argument.  Are you saying that if Apache 1.4 had been
released with a couple extra modules but no threading or filters, then PHP
would have stuck with 1.3 because it works "well enough"?  No, I hope PHP
would have updated to 1.4 to take advantage of the current development
efforts.  Those development efforts include not just a couple new modules
(major ones like mod_ssl, mod_dav, mod_deflate, mod_auth_ldap, etc), but
lots and lots of other enhancements (IPv6, PCRE, improved negotiation,
better documentation, better non-unix support, many bug fixes, etc).

So why not just do a handler-based PHP for 2.0, and work on other problems
in the future.  This is a silly family quarel that is making everyone look


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