Aaron Bannert wrote:

    Now, we could solve both problems by using a handler and
    the prefork MPM.  But then, Apache 2.0+PHP is basically
    Apache 1.3+PHP with a few extra modules thrown in.  That's
    how it appears to the end-user at least.

I don't buy that argument. Are you saying that if Apache 1.4 had been
released with a couple extra modules but no threading or filters, then PHP
would have stuck with 1.3 because it works "well enough"? No, I hope PHP
would have updated to 1.4 to take advantage of the current development
efforts. Those development efforts include not just a couple new modules
(major ones like mod_ssl, mod_dav, mod_deflate, mod_auth_ldap, etc), but
lots and lots of other enhancements (IPv6, PCRE, improved negotiation,
better documentation, better non-unix support, many bug fixes, etc).

So why not just do a handler-based PHP for 2.0, and work on other problems
in the future. This is a silly family quarel that is making everyone look

There is no such thing anymore as a handler in Apache 2.0, am I correct?
Aren't the handler-like hooks that try to behave the same was as they did
in 1.3 just implemented over output filters?

This explains my earlier observation re "if the only tool you have (amendment: or think you have) is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail" :-)

Seriously, handlers exist in 2.0 (see modules/generators) and the APIs are there to read POST'ed data. I would think it's not too terribly difficult to port 1.3 mod_php to 2.0 using the exact same handler model.

Of course you still won't be able to embed php scripts in SSI tags (w/o doing unnatural things) but who really cares?


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