--On Tuesday, February 25, 2003 1:47 PM -0500 Bill Stoddard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have to responds to this (even though I am up to my ears in other
work)... If bb contains -any- bytes after after the call to
ap_get_brigade(), then there is something wrong (that is fixable)
in the filter stack. As I envision how this should operate, bb
should be empty when we call apr_brigade_destroy. It it is not,
then something else is broken.

Huh? How would a client read the body? ap_get_brigade has to return data. If you say that we now must always throw away the first read, you're scoring high on my hack-o-meter. =) We went this approach earlier with AP_MODE_INIT, but, ISTR, we ended up removing it. -- justin

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