Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
--On Tuesday, February 25, 2003 8:09 PM -0500 Bill Stoddard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ok, I know what I was thinking. Check out tmp_bb in ap_read_request
in protocol.c (unpatched version). We create tmp_bb, do
read_request_line, ap_get_mime_headers then destroy tmp_bb.  My
patch does essentially the same thing.  If there is a request body
to read, whoeever needs to read it will create a new brigade. In
this regard, my patch does not create any new bogosity. (and no, we
do not throw away the first read).

No, it's not the same thing. One is: 'read the request line and headers using this temporary brigade,' the other is: 'read part of the input body into this brigade - oh, by the way, feel free to read the headers and status while you are at it, and, oh, don't feel that I require any data.'

No, I think it is the same. The request body (or the next request in a set of pipelined requests) is set aside in the http_input_filter_ctx_t in the HTTP_IN filter after the headers are parsed. The next call to ap_get_brigade to fetch the body will fetch any setaside buckets then call down into core_in for more bytes as needed.

I probably cannot say this enough... I've not done any work to get the code to handle a request body, but AFAIK, it should not be difficult to do.

As I've said before, the patch uses ap_get_brigade only as a way to drive the input filters before we are ready to read the body.
Call me dense but the unpatched code in ap_read_request sure appears to do the same thing.

> To me, it
indicates a strong disconnect with how the filters are designed. Filters are meant to be called asynchronously as needed (pulled), but the request parsing must happen synchronously and at a specific point in time.

I don't fully understand why the status and header parsing must belong in an input filter (hammer, meet balloon). I think the patch could be rewritten removing the context of an input filter and still see significant performance benefits. At the time the request is read, there should be no other input filters, so I don't believe there would be significant overhead to not being an input filter. -- justin

One of the keys behind why this patch improves performance is the elimination of the repeat calls to ap_rgetline() to read the header fields. ap_rgetline calls ap_get_brigade(AP_MODE_GETLINE) which drived multiple trips into the core input filter. The patch enables ap_http_filter to make a -single- call to ap_get_brigade(AP_MODE_READBYTES) (and a single entry to core_in) and works on parsing the header fields out of the returned brigade. So how do you solve the problem of ap_get_brigade(AP_MODE_READBYTES) returning bytes beyond the header fields? AFAIK there are two ways to solve this:

1. push the extra bytes back to the core input filter
2. setaside the extra bytes in the ap_http_filter context so that they can be fetched later
My patch implements 2) which is essentially the same thing core_input_filter does. core_in will issue a bucket read on the socket and that read may return request body bytes. If core_in is entered with mode AP_MODE_GETLINE, only a single line is returned and the other bytes are setaside in the core_input_filter context. My patch just moves that setaside function up one level to a protocol level filter.


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