In the course of a brainstorming session on #apache-modules (IRC)
last night, it was suggested that some of my modules might be of
interest for the Apache core distro (mod_diagnostics was
specifically identified).  I have compiled a list of four filter
modules that are opensource and sufficiently general-purpose that
they could be of interest.  They are all open source, and can be 
licensed under the Apache license if you are interested in adopting them.


1. mod_diagnostics
mod_diagnostics is a very simple module that can be inserted anywhere
in the filter chain, and logs buckets and brigades passing through.  
Typical usage is to insert it immediately before and after a filter in 
development to help with debugging and testing.

2. mod_upload
mod_upload is an input filter for "multipart/form-data".  It decodes
the upload, passing the contents of an uploaded file through, and
exporting uploaded data other than the file itself as an
apr_table_t of name/value.
A second filter is available to capture the file itself as a tempfile;
this serves for handlers that need synchronous upload by guaranteeing
that all the form data has been captured before processing.

3. mod_xml_gnome_xslt
This XSLT output filter is spinoff from mod_xml (and is in more
widespread production use than other mod_xml components).  It performs
XSLT transformation, and offers several optimisations including
supporting a cache of pre-compiled stylesheets, and accepting a
document tree in-memory as an alternative to conventional filter input.

4. mod_proxy_html (NEW!)
Apache as a reverse-proxy has hitherto been incomplete, as it falls
down when HTML links in proxied pages fail outside the proxy.
mod_proxy_html is an output filter to rewrite HTML links where
necessary into the proxy's address space.

Any interest?

Nick Kew

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