> Geez... it's nice to discover everybody hasn't just dropped dead!
> I see a lot of healthy 'things to do' coming out of this
> thread that could inject a lot of life back into the
> development... which is what the various threads the past
> few days have all been about.
> Action items?...
> Facts to face?...

Still waiting to see what, exactly, people want to see
in 1.3 that isn't there... So far, we've had a small handful
of suggestions. It will be curious to see how many of those
are "handled" by 2.0...

But recall that it is the truth of things that everything has
a time to end. I'm not saying that it is the time for 1.3
to be put to bed (and I'm not saying that it's not) but it
will be one day. It happened with Apache 1.2. It happened
with PHP3. It'll happen soon with PHP4. It happened with
RH7. It happened with bind4 and bind8 and sendmail8.9, etc...
   Jim Jagielski   [|]   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [|]   http://www.jaguNET.com/
      "A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order
             will lose both and deserve neither" - T.Jefferson

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