At 04:07 PM 2/23/2004, Joe Orton wrote:
>On Mon, Feb 23, 2004 at 01:22:05PM -0800, Mathihalli, Madhusudan wrote:
>> Hi,
>>       I started working on Justin's idea of creating a EOC bucket - to
>>       do a SSL shutdown before the socket close(). But since the
>>       ap_flush_conn is called just before closing the socket - I
>>       thought of doing the SSL shutdown during the flush itself. Let
>>       me know what you think of this patch.
>This is just back to what we had patches for already: doing an SSL
>shutdown on any EOF bucket, right?  Which is not right since you get an
>EOS after each HTTP response, not at the end of the connection.
>Hence the need for a new bucket type to represent end-of-connection 
>differently from EOS.

Do we?

I suspect that if the http protocol filter knew the difference between keep
alive and connection close requests, it should eat non-terminal EOS marks
(and pass flush instead?) while still passing a final EOS to the network 
stack layer?


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