On Tue, Feb 24, 2004 at 09:59:00AM -0800, Mathihalli, Madhusudan wrote:
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Joe Orton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> [SNIP]
> >
> >This is just back to what we had patches for already: doing an SSL
> >shutdown on any EOF bucket, right?  Which is not right since you get an
> >EOS after each HTTP response, not at the end of the connection.
> >
> >Hence the need for a new bucket type to represent end-of-connection 
> >differently from EOS.
> >
> >(the test case for that is to see if you can send two requests on a
> >single SSL connection)
> Okay - since I've not played much with buckets, here's my first
> attempt at getting something to work - please let me know if it's
> okay.

I wasn't sure whether or not this EOC bucket type should go in APR-util
or httpd.  Filtering gurus, what say ye?  That bit looks OK to me
otherwise with a licence header added to the new file.

mod_ssl-side I'd just use the changes in the most recent patch I posted
with the CLOSE bucket test replaced with the EOC bucket test in the
output filter: in my testing you needed to turn off buffering in
bio_filter_out_write to get the shutdown logic working correctly.

Thanks Madhu!


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