From: "Kornél Pál"

> > To successfully allow applications to
> > use the same port on different IP
> > addresses, you must use a new utility,
> > Httpcfg.exe.

> I don't agree with MUST

I believe, in this "one" article (for 98
percent of the non coding admins) the
word "must" is correct for the new way
to control Windows ports.

This article does not "mean" for "everyone"
this is the only way.

Always ask who is this article written for?

Then add your own know how  in order
to use the article information or not.

> as it uses
> HTTP API and it's source code is
> available as well.
> See

Doc words are "a pain" but one
"may need" HTTPcfg.exe....

For those current "processes" that
do not know about this HTTP device,
(and non coders), in order to may be
work with HTTP.SYS.

This doesn't mean it will always work,
that is why "some" may need to rewrite
their code.  :)

> > So I guess the real question is has one
> > tried Apache and IIS with Windows Server
> > 2003 or Windows XP SP2 via HTTP.SYS?

> Windows XP SP2 includes HTTP API
> however IIS 5.1 doesn't use it (uses
> Winsock) so this option doesn't exist,

Not in the same way as

> but on Windows Server 2003 with IIS
> 6.0 it's a real opportunity.

But Apache and IIS 5.1 "do not talk together"
but "possibly may share" together a device on
the non server OS of Windows XP SP2 RC2.

Remember when one "works" with Apache
and Microsoft docs, one "must" _always_
"read between the lines and work differently
(with the docs)" in order to do stuff in a
different way.  Always take each doc for it's
"slant" on what it is talking about. There may
be other articles that "suggest" other ways.   :)


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