> In .NET Framework (soon out):
> HttpListener class  (uses HTTP.SYS)
> Defined as a simple web server....

In below article, jump to:


Web Services Anywhere

There are some interesting scenarios
that require exposing a Web service
from an application that is not running
in IIS; for example, running a Windows
Forms desktop application that receives
callbacks from a remote server. Since
version 1.0 of the .NET Framework, it
has been possible to host ASP.NET
(including ASMX Web services) in any
process, such as a console or Windows
Forms application. Now HttpListener
makes it easier to do this.


The figure below shows at a high level
how a managed application uses
HttpListener to host ASMX services.


New Features for Web Service Developers
in Beta 1 of the .NET Framework 2.0

.NET Framework 2.0 Beta 1

.NET Framework 2.0 SDK Beta 1


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