From: "William A. Rowe, Jr."

> Thanks for the interesting references and citations.

Yes but for anyone with the equipment
to test this stuff, the real interesting stuff
is just beginning in the next few months 
or years.

Being a retired old man without equipment,
(but still doing odd jobs) others will need to 
do the testing.  :)

> Apache HTTP server works at a lower level,
> below the layer exposed by this http.dll API.

Remember this:

HTTP.SYS is for quick static responses. 

They may be cached html files sent via
the Windows kernel.  Not a real new big 
business web server. But may be a server
for the one man shop and may be for security 
of open ports, etc. :)

Some say as goes Windows XP SP2 goes

So the question:

If on Windows XP SP2 one keeps the HTTP.SYS
and Firewall on (controlling all ports) for safety,
even on a firewalled network (remember that
just plugged in on the network "sick" laptop is 
behind the network firewall already), how does 
any Apache APR product get "access" to the 
Windows ports?

May be there is no ASF helpful Windows device 
in Windows XP SP2 or  even a "problem" but  
always test.

> To actually use this interface would require a few
> things;

HTTP.SYS is for fast kernel static HTML
output (97% of the HTTP actions) and new
Windows port sharing...

This is why IIS 6 uses HTTP.SYS first, either
quickly respond via HTTP.SYS or send it on to 
IIS or whatever...

>  apr_socket_foo() API

Yes most likely an APR thing, because one
does not need Apache HTTPD in order to
use these many new (may be required)
Windows APIs with APR products.

> So it's an interesting thought experiment to me.

And to others.

> the schema doesn't strike me
> as a secure or fast solution.  I didn't
> see any sendfile() or other optimized 
> mechanisms for response bodies,
> maybe I just wasn't digging deep enough.


The HTTP application programming interface 
(API) enables applications to communicate 
over HTTP without using Microsoft Internet 
Information Server (IIS). Applications can 
register to receive HTTP requests for particular 
URLs, receive HTTP requests, and send HTTP 
responses. The HTTP API includes SSL support 
so applications can exchange data over secure 
HTTP connections without depending on IIS. 
It is also designed to work with I/O completion ports.


Play with these new Windows XP SP2 devices, 
test 'em and see...  :)


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