Guenter Knauf wrote:

That seems rational to me. The reason for proposing [EMAIL PROTECTED] is so
that tomcat-dev'ers wouldn't have to swallow the full bandwidth of [EMAIL PROTECTED] (converse of the problem where they asked anyone in [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
follow [EMAIL PROTECTED] for the duration of that proxy_ajp development).

hahahahha! I get 5x++ more traffic from tomcat-dev than from [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED] together because: - the commit mails go to the same list as the dicussion stuff. - there are so many folks subscribed unable to control their mail server that nearly every day a couple of autoresponder mails come through the list. - there are so many folks subscribed unable to protect their machine from viruses so that every day some viruses come through the list.

in addition its anyway a pain with the tomcat-dev list since it drops any
attachments which makes it harder for everyone to attach a patch. Reason: the
stupid and totally senseless footer. Even with the footer every few days
another idiot asks how to unsubscribe - I think that proofes enough that it
is useless!

So I ask our tomcat-dev'ers who are interested in proxy_ajp, proxy_balancer
and so on - are you already subscribed/following [EMAIL PROTECTED] Or do you feel a -strong- need for a lower-traffic list? If no one complains loudly,
we will keep all proxy traffic on [EMAIL PROTECTED] (cc's to tomcat-dev if you feel
a point needs feedback from the tomcat connector folks.)

I'm fine with that. Since the code now moved into httpd HEAD anyway no jtc commiter can commit any more; I f.e. have only karma for the connectors, which means now I can only commit to the old dead code; so for me I see no reason to keep subscribed to tomcat-dev list; the few posts which are really about connectors I can read online, or wait a bit and then crawl though bugzilla when the problems appear there....

The idea when starting the ajp-proxy was to get it in httpd HEAD.
The first developpement were done in j-t-c (jakarta-tomcat-connectors) only because Henri, Mladen and I don't have commit in httpd and we wanted something running for testing very quicky.

Now the code is at its right place and we (as Jakarta committers) have to submit patches. (That is what we had done to get the commit rights in Jakarta).

my 2ct.


BTW: also it was asked more than once for a separate section only for
connectors in BugZilla - currently you have to do complex searches to get all
the connector issues together since they are bound to Tomcat releases, but
the connectors are developed independent from Tomcat.

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