On Tue, Oct 11, 2005 at 02:07:56AM -0500, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
> I'm looking for input what version of visual c++ we should build apr 1.x
> and httpd 2.1.x and onwards with.  As most are aware, discrepancies in
> the clib mean that mismatched posix open()/close(), malloc()/free() can
> all cause serious problems, so a single version is vastly preferable.
> Open to comments...


seems to be able to build httpd (based on half a day of testing anyway),
a big disadvantage is that it is in beta, which means - in theory - the
clib things could change (unlikely), but a big advantage is that it is
free and capable of building httpd, which may significantly help with
developer access for httpd/apr on Win32.

It's expected to come out of beta by Christmas (though this is MS we're
talking about) and go live on the main MSDN site (still free).

Another slight downside is that we will probably need to document the
build process slightly more, SDK's need to be in the right place and so
on, but we need to document the win32 build process pretty badly anyway,
some of the procedures are woefully non-intuitive (like hand editing
files that have "DO NOT HAND EDIT" written in them ;-) )

Colm MacCárthaigh                        Public Key: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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