Jim Jagielski wrote:

I know I'm beating a dead horse here, but I still don't
understand the reason for such a "rushed" release, when
an extra few days would likely have resolved them...

Because it's httpd-dev tradition, .0 releases are never ready, and most
RM's live to regret them, yet new RM's are always ready to step in :)

Release early, release often.  It appears that apr itself is responsible
for most of the confusion that I raised, not httpd, and certainly can be
addressed during the lifecycle of 2.2.x.  In fact, it probably won't be
fully addressed until APR 2.0, when all the APR 1.0 badness is safely
ignored by the modern projects then.

Win32 binaries?  Who cares?  NOT this project.  Binaries are a courtesy,
not a requirement, perhaps this needs to be reinforced occassionally in
realtime.  (NO, this is not at all sarcastic, and I trust most long term
project members here agree.)

httpd-2.2.0 is a source project, and if the build/install/binaries are all
a little flakey, it should not detract from the tarball.  I don't believe
we had any more code to fix before declaring .0 (and certainly will have
lots of opportunities for .1, .2, .3...).

Anyway, we should still feel very happy and proud for this
major release.

++1!  On to 2.4 :)

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