On 12/07/2005 08:18 PM, Brandon Fosdick wrote:
>>Brandon Fosdick wrote:


> And, to me at least, it seems Intuitively Correct that an app should be
> watching it's own config files for changes and then responding
> appropriately. I see this as being in the same vein as re-reading config

-1 on this from my administrators perspective.
I don't want the application to reload its configuration only because I adjusted
it. Adjusting and reloading configuration are two different processes and 
that try to be "smart" in these situations are prone to mess things up in my 
I have many situations where I adjust the configuration and where I want it
to be reloaded at a *very* specific point of time that is well coordinated with 
other activities
on an environment. Additionally saving of the config files in vi during editing 
would result in a reload of the configuration with all its consequences 

Furthermore this job would be more complicated and painful as it looks at first 
glance as
httpd would not only has to monitor the httpd.conf file but all included files 
also to make this work.




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