Ruediger Pluem wrote:

On 04/11/2006 04:00 AM, Roy T. Fielding wrote:

It probably needs to be updated for RFC 3986 anyway.  The path should
be set to "", not NULL.  The HTTP server should take care of the
redirect from "" to "/", which in this case means the http-proxy
needs to check for "" when it sends a request and respond with a
redirect that adds the "/".

In general I agree, but I think the transformation from "" to "/"
must happen very early to avoid disturbing the cache code in the quick
handler. So I guess this could be only done in the post_read_request hook
of the proxy, but I don't think that we can trigger a redirect from this hook.
Provided my thoughts are not wrong, anybody an idea how to solve this?

If I read this correctly, is wrong, whereas is correct.  Does it merit an external redirect,
much as would externally redirect the
user to

Do I understand this correctly?  If so, isn't this entire conversation
focusing on the wrong section of code?

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