I can run it in a command prompt

I installed the latest 2.2.4-ssl on Vista business.  Log file attached
in a seperate email to wrowe.  The following 2 command windows popped up
for service install and service start:

Installing the Apache2 service
(OS 5)Access is denied.  : Failed to open the WinNT service manager
Note the errors or messages above, and press the <ESC> key to exit.  24...

[Wed May 02 16:01:13 2007] [error] (OS 2)The system cannot find the file
ed.  : No installed service named "Apache2".
Note the errors or messages above, and press the <ESC> key to exit.  19...

Steve Hay wrote:
> I've already overcome the difficulties of *installing* apache, much as
> you describe below, and I also found that if you create a batch file to
> run the MSI and then run that batch file as an administrator (using the
> "runas" command) then things work better. I'll add this to the Wiki
> later after I've double-checked it.
> However, my problem is that the Apache service won't start. Using Apache
> 1.x I had it running in a command prompt (i.e. just typing
> "apache.exe"), but the service wouldn't start. Using Apache 2.2.4, I
> can't start it either way so far.
> Do you actually have the server *running* on Vista, either as a service
> or in a command prompt?
> Mario Brandt wrote:
>> Hello,
>> ---------------------------------
>> Installing the Apache2.2 service
>> (OS 5)Access is denied. : Failed to open the WinNT service manager
>> Note the errors or messages above, and press the <ESC> key to exit.
>> ---------------------------------
>> First off, the apache install tries to create the conf directories and
>> subsequent conf files as the install progresses. Vista throws a fit
>> and wont create the files, presum. due to permissions. If you can,
>> grab the configuration files from a different install and copy
>> them across.
>> Secondly, to install as a service you can do one of two things. a)
>> create a bat file with "httpd -k install" and "run as administrator" on
>> this file. or b) goto the command prompt and do runas /noprofile
>> /user:pcname\user "httpd
>> -k install"
>> Hope that helps!
>> with best regards
>> Mario Brandt
>> Software Development
>> NASA 3.0 GmbH
>> Hongkongstraße 7 (Magdeburger Straße 17)
>> 20457 Hamburg
>> Telefon: 040-3232 4725
>> Fax: 040-3232 4747
>> Internet: www.nasa30.de
>> _________________________________
>> Amtsgericht Hamburg HRB-Nr. 72104
>> Geschäftsführer: Thorsten Moe
>> USt-ID-Nr. DE 201 969 926
>> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>> Von: William A. Rowe, Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 2. Mai 2007 11:11
>> An: dev@httpd.apache.org
>> Betreff: Re: Windows Vista support?
>> William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
>>> You would be better off annotating the appropriate bug about apache 2.2
>>> compatibility with vista and add your observations there.
>> Steve - I'll give you another out that might be useful.
>> Because at this point it seems to be less-than-bugs, more-than-gotchas
>> to running vista (many people are, successfully) - let's start a tracking
>> page at http://wiki.apache.org/httpd/Platform/WindowsVista for users to
>> collect observations.

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