William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
Steve Hay wrote:
I've already overcome the difficulties of *installing* apache, much as
you describe below, and I also found that if you create a batch file to
run the MSI and then run that batch file as an administrator (using the
"runas" command) then things work better. I'll add this to the Wiki
later after I've double-checked it.

However, my problem is that the Apache service won't start. Using Apache
1.x I had it running in a command prompt (i.e. just typing
"apache.exe"), but the service wouldn't start. Using Apache 2.2.4, I
can't start it either way so far.

I believe we resynced at 2.2.4 to make the default service name the same as
the apache.exe -n default value (this was a problem in earlier 2.2 releases.)

If you explicitly invoke apache.exe -n "service name" -k start does that work?
If not your user account simply doesn't have permission to start a service.

Or there is a flaw in startup - you'll probably want to look in the event
log first.

As you've probably seen in other mails, I've got this working now by turning off UAC. (That's all using 2.2.4; I still find that 1.3.37 doesn't run as a service, but you've answered that one already.)


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