On Sep 26, 2007, at 1:53 PM, Steffen wrote:
There we go again Bill with your phrase above. I do not appreciate that you communcate like this in Public, please stop it. More and more I got the impression that you do not want AL in the scene, fine, say it to me personal. You are oh so happy with Tom (we too), you know he is one of the leading at the ApacheLounge team (there are more). I tried to help you/ASF with issues by eg. coordinating communication with Tom and author of mods, it has helped you to get understanding what was going on. What happens you start discussions about feathers etc. and you clutter this list. Till now we (yes) see you as negative promotor of Apache2 on windows. For example, one of the results of you actions is that the Apache feather gives quite some folks a bad feeling.

Steffen, I am getting tired of this rant.  You were warned several times
about use of the feather in a way that made it look like your personal
site was part of the ASF.  Same goes for use of the word apache in your
domain name.  You are actively collecting advertising revenue on the
basis of associating yourself with the Apache name and the work of
our nonprofit foundation, and I for one do not appreciate that.
It was inevitable that one of us would bring it to your attention
*again* because you were still violating our previously stated policies,
not because Bill was out to get you in any way.  Thanks for making
the effort this time to remove the feather, with or without the

In short, stop complaining now.  You have not earned it.  If you want
to participate in problem solving and contributing HERE, in addition
to your own private forums, then maybe you will earn that right to
complain here as well.  Until then, I have no interest in your whining.

There would not be a windows version of Apache without Bill's efforts
to keep it alive, and there won't be one in the future if windows
developers refuse to participate in the development mailing lists HERE.
If our changes happen to break a weakly-supported platform, then the
solution is to test our changes before they are released by participating
in the active development and testing of trunk.  Make it better before
we release it to the public and you will earn the right to complain
when we make a mistake.

If you don't want to participate in development, then thank you
for reporting problems in our bugzilla.  Hopefully, other windows
developers will pick up the slack and take your ideas as a good
start for contributing.

....Roy T. Fielding (V.P., Apache HTTP Server)

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