On 10/01/2007 08:32 AM, Alec Matusis wrote:
> We are running a busy Apache/2.0.54 server on 2.6.9 kernel, that suddenly 
> becomes very slow- requests either time out, or it takes 10-20sec to serve a 
> 1K thumbnail. 
> It is somewhat correlated with load spikes, but not perfectly (by looking at 
> the bandwidth graph, it never happens during the low bandwidth periods at 
> night, but it does not coincide with peaks of b/w) 
> When we initially encountered an apache overload, it was always accompanied 
> with 
> [error] server reached MaxClients setting, consider raising the MaxClients 
> setting 
> in the apache error log. We also got 
> kernel: possible SYN flooding on port 80. Sending cookies. 
> in /var/log/messages system log. 
> After that I raised MaxClients from 200 to 300. The problem initially 
> disappeared, but after our bandwidth grew a bit more, we got this behavior 
> again. 
> Now apache crashes (becomes very slow) silently, with no warning in apache 
> error logs at all (although we still get SYN flood message in the system log) 
> When apache is this 'slow' regime, /server-status still shows available 
> slots, i.e. MaxClients is not reached. 
> This is the relevant part of httpd.conf: 
> ServerLimit 300 
> # we are using prefork MPM 
> StartServers 10 
> MinSpareServers 5 
> MaxSpareServers 20 
> MaxClients 300 
> MaxRequestsPerChild 10000 
> MaxMemFree 2500 
> The server has 4GB of physical RAM and 4GB of swap. During these apache 
> “slowdowns", the swap size is still 0 and vmstat shows no swapping at all. 
> I suspect the problem may be in 
> MaxMemFree 2500 

Have you checked without the MaxMemFree setting?
Why do you use MaxMemFree with such a small value at all?



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