I'm having a heck of a time getting Palm Treo's to work through our
Apache 2.2.3 based proxy talking to an OWA2K7 setup running on IIS.  I
believe I may be getting pinched by:


The Treo seems to work fine without a proxy.  I observe the following
(no proxy):

   1 TREO   Sends OPTIONS request to IIS (Connection: Keep-Alive)
   2 IIS    Replies with 200 OK (No Connection header)
   3 TREO   Sends POST /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync... (Connection: Keep-Alive)
   4 IIS    Replies with 200 OK + payload (No Connection header)

As I said, everything works fine this way.  With mod_proxy in the mix

   1 TREO   Sends OPTIONS request to Apache (Connection: Keep-Alive)
   2 Apache Sends OPTIONS request to IIS (Connection: Close)
   3 IIS    Replies with 200 OK (Connection: Close)
   4 Apache Sends 200 OK back to Treo (Connection: Close)
   5 Apache Sends SSLv3 Close Notify to Treo
   6 Apache Sends FIN,ACK to Treo
   7 TREO   Sends POST /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync... (Connection: Keep-Alive)
   8 Apache Sends ACK to Treo
   9 Apache Sends Dup ACK to Treo
  10 Apache Sends Dup ACK to Treo


I attempted to backport the patches mentioned here:


In the hopes it might address this, but I'm still seeing the connection
prematurely closed around #5, #6 above.  I *believe* this is the cause
of my issue but am not positive.  The Treo continues to try and use an
existing connection that no longer exists, and Apache keeps sending
Connection: close headers.

Am I on the right track here?  Should I file a bug?  Should this be
potentially addressed by 657440, or perhaps I am missing a whole slew
of other necessary patches and should just try using the latest 2.2
code built by hand...

This is all made trickier by SSL being in used end to end and Wireshark
not consistently decrypting packets :)

Any thoughts or advice?  I feel if I can just get Apache to quit
forcing the Connection: close headers in there this would work.


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