Chris Darroch wrote:
> William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
>> The mod_fastcgi implementation has the following terms;
>>   Open Market permits you to use, copy, modify, distribute, and license
>>   this Software and the Documentation solely for the purpose of
>>   implementing the FastCGI specification defined by Open Market or
>>   derivative specifications publicly endorsed by Open Market and
>>   promulgated by an open standards organization and for no other
>>   purpose, provided that existing copyright notices are retained in all
>>   copies and that this notice is included verbatim in any distributions.
>>   No written agreement, license, or royalty fee is required for any of
>>   the authorized uses.  Modifications to this Software and Documentation
>>   may be copyrighted by their authors and need not follow the licensing
>>   terms described here, but the modified Software and Documentation must
>>   be used for the sole purpose of implementing the FastCGI specification
>>   defined by Open Market or derivative specifications publicly endorsed
>>   by Open Market and promulgated by an open standards organization and
>>   for no other purpose.  If modifications to this Software and
>>   Documentation have new licensing terms, the new terms must protect Open
>>   Market's proprietary rights in the Software and Documentation to the
>>   same extent as these licensing terms and must be clearly indicated on
>>   the first page of each file where they apply.
>> I'd call that a category X license, submission denied.
>   So far as I know -- I'll check with the author -- mod_fcgid
> is a completely separate implementation from mod_fastcgi.  I don't
> know of any generally shared or derived code, but I will check.
>   The exception, I think, might be the FCGI protocol itself, which
> specifies the byte-level structure of the headers that are passed
> back and forth during communication with FCGI application processes.
>   This definition lives in fcgi_protocol.h in both mod_fastcgi,
> and appears in very similar forms in both mod_fcgid's fcgi_protocol.h
> and also httpd's modules/proxy/fcgi_protocol.h.  Look for the fcgi_header
> or FCGI_Header structure, and the various FCGI_* #defines for type
> values, roles, etc.
>   It's a little hard for me to see how alternate implementations of
> the FastCGI spec could get away without doing something like this at
> a minimum, though.

Whatever can be found in fcgi-2.4.0 can be appropriately licensed by the
ASF and sublicensed to end users, complying with their license terms as

Whatever is only found in mod_fastcgi-2.4.6 is verboten.


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